Thursday, April 14

Puber Dini Pada Anak 'Precocious Puberty'

Pubertas, biasanya terjadi pada proses akil baligh-dalam Islam. Masa ini adalah masa dimana anak, baik secara fisik maupun mental menuju proses menuju pendewasaan. Pada umumnya tanda-tanda pubertas dimulai sekitar usia 7-8 tahun bagi anak perempuan, dan 9 tahun untuk anak laki-laki. (secara umum usia 10 tahun bagi anak perempuan dan anak laki-laki 12 tahun)

Akan tetapi bagaimana jika tanda-tanda pubertas tersebut muncul pada usia yang lebih muda dari yang terjadi pada umumnya? Misalnya anak perempuan usia 5 tahun sudah mulai muncul tanda-tanda pubertas? Bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi perkembangannya, baik itu secara fisik maupun mental?

Precocious puberty adalah istilah dimana seorang anak telah mulai memperlihatkan tanda-tanda pubertas sebelum usia 7 atau 8 tahun pada anak perempuan dan 9 tahun pada anak laki-laki. Mungkin secara emosional hal ini akan sulit di terima bagi mental anak dan bisa jadi kadang itu dikarenakan adanya problem kesehatan pada diri anak tersebut. 

Lanjutannya silahkan ke sini....Milestones..

Monday, February 7

Lima Tips Membangun Website dengan Hosting Murah

Dalam artikel ini, penulis ingin sekedar berbagi pengalaman tentang beberapa tips yang diperlukan dalam membangun sebuah website, terutama tulisan ini di tujukan kepada anda yang belum cukup mempunyai banyak pengalaman dalam membangun jaringan website untuk perusahaan atau suatu lembaga lembaga. 
Berikut ini ada beberapa tips yang perlu anda ketahui agar anda dapat membangun website dengan efisien dan profesional. 

Pertama, anda perlu mempersiapkan nama atau domain website anda, misalnya anda dapat membuat Anda juga bisa menentukan kriteria domain anda dengan meng-afiliasikan kepada Top Level Domain (TDL) yang sesuai misalnya .COM (baca dot com) untuk komersial, .ORG untuk organisasi atau non profit, begitu juga .NET untuk yang terkait dengan jaringan. Kalau anda memilih TLD Indonesia, yaitu .ID, tentu lebih baik karena secara tidak langsung ikut mempromosikan Indonesia, misalnya untuk komersial, atau untuk lembaga pendidikan sekolah, atau untuk lembaga yang sifatnya non komersial.

Kedua, selanjutnya yang perlu anda lakukan adalah, menyiapkan konten dasar untuk website anda. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa konten dasar adalah profile anda, visi dan misi. Dapat juga konten dasar ini merupaka foto-foto dasar atau logo perusahan termasuk header untuk halaman depan website anda, daftar produk anda, kalau anda membangun website komersial, alamat kontak dan alamat kantor anda. 

Ketiga, pilihlah perusahaan hosting dimana anda akan membangun website dan menyimpan file-file website anda. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa perusahaan hosting berkualitas adalah yang mempunyai layanan cepat, khususnya dalam memproses permintaan nama domain anda, biaya yang kompetitif, fitur yang lengkap untuk membangun website modern seperti menyediakan program-program CMS (content management system) dan yang paling penting adalah perusahaan tersebut menyediakan Costumer Support yang mudah dihubungi, baik melalui telepon atau online. Perusahaan hosting yang baik juga biasanya memberikan layanan pengaturan sub-domain secara gratis, sehingga memudahkan anda untuk membuat sub-domain, misalnya atau 

Salah satu perusahaan webhosting Indonesia yang memberikan layanan tersebut di atas adalah yang didirikan oleh kawula muda berpengalaman dari kota Gudeg Yogyakarta. Perusahaan bahkan layak untuk dijadikan Trend Hosting Indonesia di masa mendatang mengingat layanan, costumer support yang cepat dan responsif serta mempunyai fitur yang lengkap. Dengan perusahaan ini sudah tentu akan menjawab kebutuhan website anda melalui paket-paket yang sesuai kebutuhan anda.

Keempat, langkah berikutnya setelah anda mendaftarkan domain dan menyewa server hosting adalah memilih CMS (content management system) yang mudah dan cepat. CSM ini merupakan program/software yang digunakan untuk mengatur isi website dan tampilannya. Banyak sekali CMS yang disediakan secara gratis/open source seperti Joomla (http:/, Drupal ( dan Wordpress ( Setelah instal CMS dari layanan hosting anda, maka Anda pun bisa mulai mendesain tampilan menyesuaikan dengan CMS yang anda gunakan dan melengkapi isi website lainnya.

Kelima, perlu anda ketahui bahwa daya tarik sebuah website adalah pada kreatifitas desain halaman muka dan peremajaan konten atau updating. Design yang berlebihan dengan gambar dan flash yang berat juga membuat orang enggan mengaksesnya. Umumnya pengunjung lebih suka tampilan yang menarik tapi ringan. Begitu juga konten yang sering update membuat pengunjung senang menengok kembali website anda, karena sudah tentu pengunjung akan selalu menanti info-info terbaru dari website yang anda kelola. 

Demikian share dari penulis dan silahkan mencoba..

Friday, November 19

The Fate of Indonesian Migrant Worker

Migrant workers have become one source of foreign exchange. The World Bank estimates that remittances of these workers will bring at least 7.1 billions U.S. dollars in 2010 and up to 6.7 U.S. Dollars in 2009. However, what they get from the state, we have seen among them return home with suffer and Sumiati binti Mustapa Salan in one of example.

Sumiati is one case among many cases of Indonesian migrant workers, who experience miserable fortune, this problem will not happen if only the government give them long term protection for their fate, this including measurable legal protection while they work abroad.

Unfortunately, the elite of this country giving much more attention to the suffering of migrant workers who were received extensive attention by the media, where it covers the maximum effort done by the government to solve this case restlessly, but it looks like this moment were the right opportunity for the government to polish their good image in front of the masses without making substantial decisive breakthrough for the sake of protecting our migrant workers.

If only the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration (Kemennakertrans) together with the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI) both are seriously performing their functions, the 23-years-old woman from Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara will not suffer.

A beautiful woman who-due to family poverty-forced to wander as house maid in Saudi Arabia, now live the rest of her life with physical and mental torture. The wife of her employer used to persecute Sumiati beyond the boundary of humanity by cutting out her lips, ironing her and beat her.

Sumiati was worked for Khaled al-Salem M Khamili in Madina, Saudi Arabia through PT Rajana Falam Princess, Jakarta, on July 18, 2010. Allegedly, she became a victim of persecution since the bergining of her works as house maid in this family.

It might me that the family employer was disappointed because they get incapable person unable to speak neither Arabic nor English, as they already pay a lot of premium to the agent of migrant workers, and such condition also happened in Malaysia.

But investigating abuse workers in Saudi Arabia is not an easy matter as well. Because, as Chairman of the National Commission for Women, Yuniyanti Chuzaifah, said social system and working environment in Saudi Arabia to protect migrant workers has not formed properly. Yuniyanti who completed the third bachelor in Division of Anthropology of Gender and Migration in the Amsterdam University was admitted enough to know the disposition employer of Saudi Arabia. She has conducted research in three years there with a sample of employers, ambassadors, lawyers, journalists, scholars, ordinary people, translators, including male migrant workers. The result of the research conducted in 2006 concluded that the claim was very difficult to protect migrant workers diplomatically. “It is not easy because the people closed with anyone so the police also difficult to revealed it,” she added.

The only way for cases like this do not happen constantly, Yuniyanti said the government immediately ratify the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families. According to her, the ratification of this convention is important in order to provide full protection to all migrant workers who work as migrant workers abroad.

At least six million migrant workers in foreign countries, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia are the main destination country of Indonesian migrant workers. Malaysia holds 2.2 million workers and Saudi Arabia reached 1 million migrant workers, most of who work as domestic servants and other informal sectors.

Domestic Issues

Almost all issues in migrant workers originated from domestic problems, which are until now the government is failed to construct recruitment system, documentation and qualified workers. Almost all the due process raging from the placement and procedural process were handed offer to the private agency (PPTKIS) Private Executive Placement of Indonesian Workers. The problem of poverty all behind thousands of unskilled labor forces, even some of them don’t have any background of formal education at all were sign up to become overseas workers.

It is obviously, due to limited information and the active role of government especially in the rural area, this put the sponsorship as their expected helper and these sponsors, who seems as PPTKIS arm wandering looking for anyone interested in working overseas with promises of lucrative salaries. These sponsors take those candidates of migrant workers to PPTKIS shelters and leave them as they got amount of salaries for this job.

Up here, the PPTPKIS must equipt these candidates with training and competency with a minimum of 200 hours and for those who already worked overseas with 100 hours. Training and competency course is in fact aimed at improving the competency of these workers, including language, social, norms and legal law in the destination country.

The case of Sumiati, we know this process is not running well. Sumiati could not speak Arabic and English. Communication factor make her unable to understand the employer’s request of instructions. And ultimately, she became a victim of greedy company and inability of bureaucrats to perform their task.

Now, one big question mark rose, that how could Sumiati still be able to go to Madinah with the official procedures while she did not meet the basic requirement for migrant worker competency?

In this case, certainty we could not blame Sumiati, she just wants to work and get out of poverty, she might be attracted to the success of friends and relatives who successfully gain overseas sustenance as a migrant worker.

Less than a month Muhaimin Iskandar became the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, he launched a certification program competencies for 15.000 candidates of migrant workers to Middle East destination with the collaboration of association of migrant workers Service Company.

The minister also raided number incompetent shelters for migrant workers candidates and confirm that he will revoke the original certificate permission of PPTKIS consumers, which is look ‘original’ but ‘faked’ certificate. It called original but faked, because PPTKIS get this official certificate without including the prospective workers in the training programs. These certificates were sales at Rp 70.000 (USD $ 8) per page, whereas legal official certificate that include the prospective workers in the training program were worth of Rp.1.1 million (about USD $110) per person.

The Chairman of the Employers Association of Indonesian Manpower Placement Service Yunus M Yamai and the Secretary Genera of the Association of Indonesian Manpower Placement Service Rusjdi Basalamah once question this illegal practice. However, the government does not giving much attention and this illegal practice become much more widespread, this leads those serious entrepreneurs who run their business legally were tempted to do the same, as they lost their competitiveness.

Thus the failures of government to fix the domestic problem further undermine the government confidence to solve this problem through bilateral means.

Currenty, Indonesia paused the placement of migrant workers for informal sectors to Malaysia since June 26, 2009, Kuwait (1 September 2009) and Jordania (30 July 2010). This moratorium started with the reluctance of the three countries to meet the demand of Indonesia. Therefore, the ability of the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his aides in negotiations, lobbying and diplomacy is crucial success of the moratorium. Otherwise, just like now, Indonesian migrant workers policy will continue to fluctuate according to the demand of country destination and the case of Indonesian migrant workers has been tortured is no more than a mere statistics.

please do repost in your blog if you really care about the fate of million Indonesian migrant workers..

Tuesday, June 29

Some Facts About Drug Addiction

Addiction is a complex problem that give impact in every aspect of your life, it is a complex disorder characterized by excessive use of drug, people who are addictive will feel an overwhelming, uncontrolable need of drug, and it is beyond the capacity of his or her logical thinking, even in the face on negative consequence.

At initial stage, some people use as an experimentation, some use as a temporal ease for personal problem, depression, stress and also depart from curiousity, but later on it became uncontrolable that ultimately change the behaviour, as the addiction progresses, getting and using the drug become more important than anything and it become beyond the capacity of any addictive individual to stop using it.

Although getting off drugs for good is not an easy efford, it need personal strengh, support from the love one, family and relative. Because without treatment and ongoing support obviously it is difficult and some people failed in during the treatment process. The good news is, it is treatable, and thus alcohol rehab or drug rehab would become best option for getting off drug addiction.

Drug rehab centre supported by experties and located in peacefull environment might become suitable choice for anyone struggling to get off from drug or alcohol addiction, and Axis House is one of the best drug treatment center in California.

Monday, April 5

Sebuah Legasi

Sebetulnya saya tidak suka menuliskan ini semuanya, mungkin karena ego saya sebagai seorang student yang dosenya dengan semena-mena merubah-rubah tugas yang sebelumnya kami sepakati bersama. Whateverlah, mungkin dia tipikal dosen yang authoritative..but somehow, akhirnya saya menulis juga, tentang perjanjian Yalta Agreement yang banyak kalangan mengira perjanjian ini sebagai tonggak sejarah pergolakan perang dingin karena basis perbedaan ideoogi.

Masih penasaran lanjutannya disini