Monday, January 12

Postingan Pe Er dan Award

Well, it has been long time i kept this task to an appropriate time, simply just because domestic jobs prevent me to sit still in front of my computer, you know, kids are always demand you more attentions when you are on the middle of something. Every mothers know this..

Thanks for Riema Zie Zie for given me these huge tasks, as not to prolong my post, i'd better start it? well here we are;

  1. Why i choose this name for your blog? i think that's only simply words that passed my mind when the first time i start blogging, the url in fact, my first daughter nick name Hilda Farha Kumala.
  2. Why do i pick up this template? that's because i love nature, i love sunset or sunrise view, because those two things remind us to the dynamic of life cycle.
  3. One event i never forget for my whole life? that was my marriage, though we've been knowing each other for very long time, but there was no intention into some kind of serious relation, within 2 days we've discussing about love, getting serious relation and getting marriage and bla bla..and here we are..:)
  4. What your blog platform? Well initially, i use, but then i change into blogspot, where i think it's more convenient for me.
  5. When were my blog created? i really dont remember exactly, but i think that was about 3 years or more, i was busy with the subject, project, papers, research and i was thinking to keep my papers in this blog, that was my initial intention for creating blog.
  6. What are the obstacles when the first time i created it? You know i just simply get this blog in the form of ready made, it was my brother in law who choose me everything, and i just loaded it with my university projects :), until then i try to learn something about blogging, why the people are doing blogwalking n so forth..until about 3 months ago i started to keep in touch with my visitors. Thanks a lot for keep coming...
  7. Why you discuss this topic? in fact it's not some kind of topic to be discussed, rather than i only elaborate it, in a descriptive manner, and simply this is annual commemoration of shia people to remind the mourning day of battle Karbala.
  8. Why your blog using this template? coz it's simple, black, natural, and not overcrowded..
  9. What's your priority for this blog when it was new? I told u above..i simply loaded it with all those papers to prevent them of getting lost..:)
  10. Well..i must continue to my lucky blogger, in which i'll mention at the end of this post..
Thanks God, at last i've done this task, well i'll directly try to do the next task, come from Atca, thanks for giving me this award, i wonder if you could help me finish this tasks..


The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then
you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

~my next b'day~

I'm a taurian, that would be on may 20th, getting old, but i hope i still have young spirit :)

~A place i'd like to travel~

Istanbul, Turkey, visit my old friend, he's been inviting me many times, i hope i could see his family someday

~A favorite place~

Home, will always be my favorite place

~My favorite Food-

This is one of my favorite food, from omar khayam restaurant, the one and only Iranian restaurant in Islamabad, this basically mutton kabab with mixed yellow and white rice, but rice has its unique taste, with spinach and yogurt salad, hmmm yummy.. and i'm starving already..:) especially this bitter cold keep me eating very frequently

~Favorite Color~

Any Colors that suits me

~A nick name I had~

I found this image when i type my nickname, i use to have meylia or mel or kamilia nick name

~College Major~

Was done my Bachelor on Philosophy and Theology, and was done my Master of Art on the subject of International Relation and Political Science in this university (IIUI International Islamic University Islamabad)

~Name of My love~

My lovely hubby, not to mention any other name b'coz he'll be my endless love like one song i like, by Lionel Richie
(ah sok romantis..akhirnya keceplosan juga bhs indonesianya hehehe)

~A Bad Habit~
"susah bangun pagi....he..he.."
I think i have same bad habit with Atca, especially in winter, when we already feel warm and comfortable under the blanket :)


I have many, but two things that will keep me awake when I'm in the middle of it, that is reading and writing. Other hobby like, cooking, baking, knitting, jogging, table tennis, badminton, watching movie.


Hope i could get back soon, to my lovely country and doing something valuable
that my only wish at this time

Oh my God.. i couldn't believe I've done this tasks, I've been keeping this draft several days, and at last i completed it.

Here is my Award from Erik, thanks for giving me this lovely butterfly award, i like butterfly because it's the gift of nature, through its color we see the magic of color collaboration in one flying creature that living around us and sometimes we ignore it.
Wah capek deh ngetik bhs jerman..jejere kauman, kaya ngerjain tugas kuliah aja..makin ngantuk jadinya, nah award n pe er ini mau saya teruskan ke sobat-sobat blogger yang ada di list my friend's update, jadi silahkan diambil jika berkenan mengerjakan pe er nya, atau awardnya aja juga boleh...saya udah nguantuk..tinggal klik posting kok netnya kedip-kedip, tandanya mati inet..hiks..untung hanya sebentar, jadi saya tungguin deh...


  1. Wah barusan kesini kok belum ada ya, ternyata baru persiapan

  2. Itu makan apa yang dari resto omar khayam?

  3. waduh ini yang aselinya boso jerman...wkwkwkwk, engga nyangka...

    sendalnya saya balikin neh mam...hihihi kaborrr kok ninggalin sendal mulu...hehehe

    waduh liat makanannya jadi luaper..hehehe, wihhh kuliahnya syerem..hehehe, pantes aja soale jurusanne science politic :D

    uhuuuyyyy lagune lionel richie..sippp, engga phil collins sekalian mam...hehehe, kan enak juga tuh ;)

    yang jelas terima kasih sumbangannya, saya tunggu...wkwkwkwk...cihuyyyyyy...

  4. gdenarayana@ yang petromaxx tak kasi hadiah deh...tuh sekalian ambil awardnya..
    Erik@ tadi pas dirumah mas erik udah tak ceklik, tapi tiba-tiba inet kedip-kedip..walah alamat mati, udah mau saya tingga tidur, eh nyala lagi..

  5. ok deh mam, met istirahat aja ;)

    nih tak gantiin bawain sepatu, tapi alasnya doang...hehehehe

    hihihi PRnya bahasa jerman...atuttt jarinya jejere kauman...wkwkwkwk

    saya juga mau istirahat doloe, udah pagi disini :D

  6. wah itu pe er ngeri sekali deh, ngerjainnya bisa bertaon-taon...

    Keren Mam....dapat 1000 baut mama.he..he..ngerjain cepet n top markotop..
    college majornya keren euy Bachelor on Philosophy and Theology, and was done my Master of Art on the subject of International Relation and Political Science in this university (IIUI International Islamic University Islamabad
    *ntar bikin poatingan mama punya alumni yahh*

    Btw ternyata susah bangun pagi juga kaya diriku *ngakak guling2*..ternyata ada temennya juga he..he..

  8. Wah, sama ma. Disini juga kedap2 mlulu. Udah gitu ujan terus hi..hi... kalo ada petir pasti inet saya matiin. Soale tetangga kemarin, inetnya kena petir gosong ampe kompi-kompinya he.he..

    Wuih, Award dan PR-nya mantabs banget ni mah. Top markotop.

    20 Mei kan hari kebangkitan nasional puantes semangat mama juga luar biasa. Disela2 kesibukannya masih nyempetin kuliah lagi, jadi ngiri.

    Jerman kuwi jejere kauman toh, perancis prapatan ciamis ya ma. Portugal, purwokerto tegal hi..hi.. hobby kita sama ma hi..hi.. tempat favoriteku juga rumah he.he.. orang rumahan. Kalu susah bangun pagi gampang ma, cari orang yang bangun pagi, trus suruh bawa air segayung aja buat nyiram hi..hi... gitu setiap hari he..he.. padahal saya juga termasuk hiihi, abis bangun cuci muka dan lain2 tidur lagi hiks..hiks..

    kabur dulu sebelum disiram air segayung he..he..

  9. wah... PR ini udah pernah saya kerjakan bu komandan kedua... hehe... judulnya PR buat Lyla.. ntar saya tambahkan aja nama mama hilda ke postingan saya. setuju... hehehe...

  10. Jazakillah khoiron katsiron Mom...zie ga kebayang pasti Mama capek banget ya ngerjain PR setelah seharian capek beraktivitas..maafkan daku karena telah membuatmu capek ...tapi ini sbg salah satu bentuk wujud sayangku padamu sista

  11. heuheueheue mama dapet PR yg sama jugag....mei yak ultahna...tetep berjiwa muda

  12. Selamat ya...
    Semoga tambah semangat.

  13. hobby nonton juga ya..??
    Selamat ngerjkan PR nya ya..??
    moga makin semangat ngeblognya...

  14. wahh asli gak ngerti baca englishnya, lupa bawa kamus tadi waktu kewarnet

  15. wah... kapan yak aku bisa ke turkey hehe... mimpi kali ya...

  16. Salam kenal
    Blognya bagus banget

  17. zie mampir lagi Mam ngintip Mama yg capek ngerjain PR...zie kabur ah ntar dijewer krn ngledek Mama hehehe

  18. gerakan ngumpet harus segera dimulai neh. kalau nggak bisa ketiban PR ...hehehe...ngumpet ah....

  19. maaf sebelumnya, bukannya saya tidak mau komentar yang indah2 tapi jujur aku paling "gaga" plus P kalo baca bahasa luar pulau jawa.

    tapi salut deh, di saat2 sibuknya menyayangi anak. masih sempat ngerjain PR yg suliiiittt kayak ini.

  20. thanks all yang udah nyampatin komeng di postingan pe er ini, sebetulnya saya gak sempat-sempat ngerjainnya, disamping salah satunya, ketauan deh belangnya hehehehe..tapi anyhow..ini cuman postingan iseng..

  21. panjang2 ada 2....
    huhu, gimana tuh rasanya??

    banyak beredar yah PR nie...

    ajarin bahasa Jermannya donk ma... hihihi,,
    Salam kenal yah ^^

  22. wah, bisa aja mam hilda neh :D

    udah beberapa hari ene itu mulu dibekelin buat makan..ya udah abis dong mam...xixixi

    kayanya mo dikasih lage neh :D

  23. PRnya sampai segitu panjang itu mam? weleh2 pantesan mam capek.tak pijetin ya mam,he..he..*seandainya dekat*

  24. Malem juga ma, udah ilang capeknya? he..he.. serem juga sampe ada badai salju segala.

  25. selamat...selamat... tetap semangat


  26. Blog dan segala instrumen di dalamnya bisa menjadi jembatan silaturahmi, bahkan buat Hilda's Mum yang nun jauh disana dengan tanah airnya..... Tetap semangat mbak...

  27. mau nganterin sandal yang kemarin ketinggalan waktu ngintip.....hehehe

    (waduh ada satpamnya yang galak itu, ngumpet ah...)

  28. kan kuinget2 tanggal 20mei2009 nanti, kan kupastikan gift something special for you mam...

  29. waduh gini deh kalo ngerjain pe er, jadi ketauan belangnya hehe, kang nirmana aku tunggu ah surprisenya hehehe

  30. wkwkwkwk, pake hak tinggi..haiyahhh patah lageeee, saya cariin ranting kayu pake gantinya yah mam...hehehehe

    ato biar sama tinggi sepatunya, patahin aja hak nyang lagi atu mam...xixixixi...ngacirrrr :D

  31. oh itu bahasa jerman ya..bukannya perancis he.he

  32. bunda rierie@ hehehe...seneng disapa bunda rierie nih, semoga udah ceria lagi..

  33. mama... inetku lagi parah... maap nih nulis pesannya disini.. sb mama gak muncul2 hiks... gimana kabarnya mama... dah gak kejebak salju lagi kan?? kapan ya aku ngerasain berada ditengah2 salju, mainan salju hiks.

  34. Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

  35. hari-hari yang sibuk ya bunda? semoga semuanya terselesaikan dng baik...

  36. aku nyontek garapannya...

  37. kayanya sebukkkk di blog sebelah neh...hehehehe...

    ngintippp akhhhhhhh :D

  38. wah kedatangan tamu...hehehe...kirain lagi sibuk di sebelah :D

    oce deh mam, rumah saya jagain, mudah - mudahan aja ndak berantakan pas baliknya...xixixixi

  39. kebabnya itu..kalo disini namanya kofta... waah enak yah disana..dimakannya pake nasi kuning..disini cuma pake roti makannya. kurang nendang

  40. This is my first visit here and I want to say, "hey, you got a nice blog here." :)

  41. wah, selamat aja deh buat awardnya

  42. Apa kabar mbak, maaf baru mulai nongol lagi. Ini juga sebentar sebentar. Mata keburu pedih kalau kelamaan

  43. maturnuwun sudah menyambangi suryaden...

    mama hilda, yang saya maksud adalah personal sebagai warga negara, yang memiliki skill dan kekuatan untuk membuat barang-barang apapun untuk keperluan lokal maupun regional... itu sangat membantu ekonomi negara, sementara untuk politik luar negeri adalah tugas negara secara institusi, sementara secara institusi mereka memiliki banyak persoalan kenegraan yang masih stuck sampai sekarang....

    demikian sekelumit mawon, salam buat keluarga di situ ya ....

  44. salammmmm knal dolo yah...

  45. wah sudah banyak bgt comment nya ma.
    maaf baru berkunjung ma. sibuk ujian. apa kabar ma? apa kabar hilda?

  46. wah..banyak amat awardnya...wew..

  47. haiyahhhh juga :D

    dengan templit nyang baru ene...saya serasa di awang - awang neh mam...hehehe

  48. Pemandangnya indah banget, adem banget dah, damai rasanya.

  49. PR dari Riema Ziezie dah lunas.. selsai di kerjakan.. Selamat ya..? Trus nih ada PR awards dari aku.. di terima n di kerjakan juga ya..?? cek di sini PR nya

  50. Mantap nich walau dapat PR tapi banyak dapat Award

    Mama.. kok judul nya bahasa indonesia isinya bahasa inggris...ini trick ya

  51. Pasti Awarndnya udach banyek banget...maha hilda emang keren dan top dech


Silahkan berkomentar jika ada yang ingin anda sampaikan untuk postingan ini.
Mama Hilda